
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Most Expensive Starbucks Drink in the World, Ever–$23.60


It’s not every day that you receive a coupon for one of the priciest beverage chains in the world! Armed with my Starbucks Rewards card, I decided to take the opportunity to find out just how much money I could pour into a Trenta—Starbucks’ whopping  31 ounce cup!   After about a half-hour with a laughing barista, we created the most expensive drink possible: one Java Chip Frappuccino in a Trenta cup, 16 shots of espresso, a shot of soy milk, caramel flavoring, banana puree, strawberry puree, vanilla beans, Matcha powder, protein powder, and a drizzle of caramel and mocha.

Price: $23.60.

The resulting beverage contains 1400mg of caffeine.   According to Erowid, a widely respected drug catalog, a heavy caffeine dose is 400+mg.  This drink has 3 times that.  If I drank this all at once, it would put me in the hospital.  Two of these would kill me.

The flavor?  Tolerable, but not good.  Imagine a coffee-based health food smoothie that will put you in the hospital if you drink it all.  That’s how it tastes…like Jillian Michaels with a touch of Chuck Norris.

Logan A. Warren

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