Saturday, April 7, 2012

Copycat Recipes: McDonald's Big Mac

2 uncut bakery buns (with sesame seeds for authenticity)
1/2 pound ground beef
1 slice cheddar cheese or 2 thin slices (don’t bother with the American stuff, not even for authenticity)
1/4 cup shredded lettuce
1 dill pickle, thinly sliced
3 tablespoons diced onions
1/4 cup thousand island dressing

Light the grill. Cut the bakery buns into thirds and butter the cut sides. Split the ground beef into four equal parts (1/8th pound each) and pat each portion into a thin circle, larger than the size of the bun to allow for shrinkage. Place the patties on the 400-degree grill and grill four minutes. Flip and cover with cheese slices. Grill an additional 4 minutes or to desired doneness.
Remove patties from grill and allow to rest while you lightly toast the buns. This will help them support the stacking that comes with building a Big Mac.
Build your Big Mac: bottom bun > patty covered with cheese > lettuce > thousand island dressing on bottom of the middle bun > patty (covered with cheese) > onions > pickles > more lettuce > thousand island dressing on the top bun.
Makes 2 large, 1/3-pound burgers.


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