The name Seventh derives from the Chinese philosophy that there are seven necessities to life, with tea being the seventh of these. If you enjoy tea, then you really owe it to yourself to come here next month to have a tea experience like no other. The knowledgeable tea baristas (my phrase not theirs) will take you through the various teas and brewing processes, much like they do at Portola and at Theorem. It is the educational knowledge that one walks away with from each visit, especially at Theorem, that I can equate to understanding the differences of wines for instance. But instead of wine, it is gaining knowledge of coffee and eventually tea. And after my experience at Seventh Tea Bar, I completely understand why tea is one of the seven necessities of life.
The first tea for the evening was their Yunnan Gold Tip tea from Yunnan, China. It was prepared by the one and only Truman! Truman is the wizard behind Theorem and is as passionate and knowledgeable about coffee as he is about tea. What I learned about this particular tea is that in China only royalty was allowed to drink tea made from the tips of tea leaves.
Truman prepared this tea utilizing an aeropress typically used for coffee. The resulting tea was slightly peppery with a subtle bitterness to it. I would pair this tea with something sweet. I paired it with the French baguette and strawberry-black pepper jam. I really enjoyed the contrasting flavors of slightly bitter and sweet. Plus, the pepper in both the tea and the jam blended well together.
The second tea was the Dragonwell 3rd. It is a green tea and while I typically enjoy green tea, this one was much more bitter than what I was use to. I gladly paired this with the Smoked Chicken Salad (smoked chicken, Greek yogurt vinaigrette, green apple and scallions) tea sandwich. The bitterness of the tea and the subtle flavors of the sandwich paired perfectly with one another.

Thank you to coffee and tea barista extraordinaire Truman for giving me the understanding of the many complexities of coffee and now tea. I look forward to be further educated in the future!
And of course thank you to Mona for the invite! Thank you introducing me to Portola coffee Lab. My world has never been the same!
This evening was truly special and to be with people who truly love what they do makes everything that much more enjoyable! When people tell you that the extra ingredient is love, they really mean it here. You will find people that understand their craft far better than anyplace I have ever been. And when you merge the best ingredients with the most knowledgeable people, you create magic.
Seventh Tea Bar opens on January 2nd and if you are a fan of tea or just a casual tea drinker, you will not find a better place to experience tea.
*Seventh Tea Bar officially opens January 2, 2013*
Seventh Tea Bar
The OC Mart Mix
3313 Hyland Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
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