
Friday, October 4, 2013

Giveaway: Doctor Who: Series 1-7 Limited Edition Blu-ray Giftset

Additional Features

The Brit List's Doctor Who Ultimate List of Lists
The Best of the Christmas Specials
Doctor Who at the Proms (90-minute version with 5.1 Surround Sound)
Audio Commentary
Doctor Who Confidential/Behind the Scenes
Deleted Scenes and Outtakes
Feature-length Specials and Featurettes
Episode prequels
Video Diaries

Product Description

For the first time ever, BBC Home Entertainment is collecting the complete new Doctor Who together on Blu-ray along with an amazing assortment of additional items, including a completely unique Doctor Who Universal Remote Control Sonic Screwdriver, three original art cards, and an exclusive Doctor Who comic book. The collection includes Series 1-4, featuring Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston and Tenth Doctor David Tennant, making their Blu-ray debut in newly remastered versions at full 1080p high definition, plus the David Tennant Specials collection and Series 5-7 featuring Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith, also on 1080p high definition Blu-ray. All the bonus features from the previous releases are included, as is a bonus disc with three new-to-Blu-ray specials: The Brit List's Ultimate Doctor Who List of Lists; The Best of the Christmas Specials; and the full 90-minute Doctor Who at the Proms, newly remastered with 5.1 Surround Sound.

Catch up with the complete new Doctor Who just in time for the historic 50th Anniversary Special this fall. This is the definitive Doctor Who collection for the ages.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. David Tennant is by far my favorite Doctor!!!! I am so excited he is returning with Rose for the 50th anniversary in just 50 days!!!!

  2. I liked all the new Doctors but my favorite was David Tennant, I think that when Doctor Who started to get noticed more by the rest of the world

  3. David Tennant by far!!

  4. TOM BAKER! The 4th Doctor is fantastic! I love the smile he gets on his face and his silly crazy attitude. He's so entertaining to watch! I'm even having my friend knit me a 16' scarf to match his from the show! "Would you like a jelly baby?" What's not to love about Tom Baker? :)

  5. I like number 10 (David Tennent), my daughters favorite is number 11 (Matt Smith)...she thinks he's funny and goofy.

  6. While I love Tenant so much, Matt Smith is my favorite so far. I love his quirkiness and how he can jump from silly/goofy to serious and angry no problem. Besides.. bowties are cool!

  7. Matt Smith, he's just hilarious

  8. Matt Smith,with apologies to my first love, Tom Baker :)

  9. Matt Smith, a lot of people didn't like him, but I loved him. I also loved his companions the best.

  10. David Tennant. He's handsome!! (from my teen who I am entering this for)

  11. I have loved all three of the new ones each in their own way so it's hard to decide. They have all been great for refreshing Dr. Who. Tom Baker is of course my old favorite

  12. Tom Baker. He introduced me to then Doctor. Sam James

  13. While I love love loved David Tennant I would have to say Christopher Eccleston because he's the reason I started watching the show in the first place

  14. Tennant because he is a great actor and his antics make me laugh!

  15. Christopher Eccleston :)
    I like the passion and emotion he brought as the Doctor. He's also my first doctor starting the series.

  16. I love Tom baker for his wonderful scarf

  17. Matt Smith. He is quirky, spontaneous, and frankly a little crazy.

  18. I have to say Christopher Eccleston, he was the first Doctor I saw, and it's just been "Fantastic" since then!

  19. Jon Pertwee in the early 70s. I've seen more of these old episodes and he was good on the stage and BBC radio too.

  20. The first Doctor Who, William Hartnell

  21. I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren't there. Paul McGann never gets any love. He really shines in thee audio dramas.

  22. I confess idk, I have yet to star the Dr, Who series but I'm hoping to win the set so I can get started:)

  23. Christopher Eccleston! So underrated but deeply emotive and spectacularly energetic.

  24. I like David Tennant cause that is the Doctor who I watched the most

  25. David Tennant, outside of being massively talented, was my first Doctor so he's my favorite. I really do like them all for different reasons, though.

  26. I like Matt Smith, I just think he plays the character well

  27. Tennant! Because I think that he gave doctor a new perspective :) He was just awesomeeeee

  28. Tennant- He was so adorably expressive

  29. Tom Baker...was the Dr when I was first introduced to the show...

  30. So far Tennant has been my favorite, but I have a feeling that I am really going to enjoy Capaldi!

  31. David Tennant was my favorite!

  32. I am a 10th doctor fan all the way!!! Who can argue with that hair?!?!? LOL

  33. David Tennant so far.

  34. David Tennant is my favorite so far he has a great personality

  35. Matt Smith!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  36. John Pertwee - Venusian Karate - 'nuff said!

  37. David Tenant - I loved his enthusiasm in his acting of the Doctor.

  38. David tenant because he's good looking

    Joy Person

    Sabrinajoy57 at yahoo dot com

  39. I love Tenant, but Matt Smith is a close second.

  40. David Tennant is the best!!!!

  41. David Tennant! He just completely embodied who I thought the doctor who would actually be like if he were real ^_^

  42. David Tennant - my niece's favorite AND she got to meet him - SOOO hoping to win this for her!! :)

    Elaine (it will not let me post with my Facebook account, so I guess, Anonymous, but I'm not anonymous, lol?)

  43. They say you never forget your first, and it's true. Jon Pertwee, the karate-chopping Victorian dandy with cool cars, FTW!

  44. I've never seeeeen Dr. Who and this would be cool! :D

  45. I have not watched this show, but if i win I plan to give it to my dad

  46. David Tennant

  47. David Tennant fan.

  48. Matt Smith and David Tennant! Sorry, loved them both!

  49. David Tennant is my fave as he brought great charm and humor to the Doctor while also expressing pain and loneliness in a heartfelt way. He also had great chemistry with radically different companions.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Oooh sweet bageebus! This is the most amazing giveaway ever! I'm crossing my fingers so tight they've gone numb! Oh, I'm speechless - and ever so excited!!

    To weigh in on the discussion - David Tennant AND Matt Smith! They're both (really all have been) such amazingly wonderful actors. But for me the two of them brought such amazing love you could see and feel between The Doctor and his companions (Rose Tyler/Micky Smith, Donna Noble (I love her Father!) and the Ponds stand out most in my mind), and they portrayed his love for humanity so greatly, there were many times you could just see The Doctors hearts shine through them. They both brought a seriousness and a comedic relief that demanded your attention and made you laugh. I simply love them, and was and am rather sad to see them go (although rather happy to see more of The Doctors adventures).

    (Deleted above and posted again here as I forgot my "why", oopsies)

  52. David Tennant he is a great actor!!

  53. David Tennant because he is handsome!

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I love them all. David Tennant is awesome, but I think Matt Smith is just as great in a different way.

  56. While we've liked all three of the latest Doctors (when we started watching), David Tennant will always be my favorite. In my opinion, he's been best at expressing the wonder and emotion of being "The Doctor". We recently watched the Sarah Jane Adventures episodes with him (filmed after he wrapped Doctor Who), and it was so fun to see his Doctor again. Really looking forward to the 50th special! And this set would be the ULTIMATE Christmas present for the family, so fingers (and double hearts) crossed!

  57. David Tennant is my favorite Doctor, because he brought a certain special charm to the character. He filled the role as the Doctor brilliantly!

    Ronald Oliver

  58. Matt Smith honestly and have seen all the Doctor and not a case of stick with your first Doctor. I just think he is the best rounded and most dynamic.

  59. The 9t Doctor was my fav! I do love David Tennant's Doctor, but 9 was more my style.

  60. David Tennant was very good

  61. I have not seen it so no favorite yet :)

  62. Tom Baker, because that's who I grew up with.

  63. In the original series it was a toss up between Pertwee and Baker, they both brought different dynamics to the character that made him seem "not quite human".
    My favorites in the new series are David Tennant and Matt Smith. Tennant because he brought a whole new level of emotion to the Doctor, he made you FEEL the frustration, heartbreak, loneliness, and isolation that was the Doctor. Smith brought in a silly, yet serious portrayal. He blended shenanigans together with a certain gravity of the situation and bow ties are cool ;-)

  64. Like a lot of people, my favorite doctor was David Tennant. I felt like you had the best range of emotions while being likeable.

  65. Probably the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant. He was my first Doctor, and I first saw him in Blink, and I thought he was cool and mysterious, and I was instantly attached to the show.
    Blink was my first episode... That was a good place to start, so nothing really scared me after that, with a few exceptions.

  66. DAvid Tennent. Because when I think of Dr. Who I picture him. Does that make sense? Lol not sure why I like him better...I just do.

  67. David Tennant. He's just THE Doctor to me. We gave my son the middle name Tennant after him! (It was almost his first name, with "Ten" for short.)

  68. david tennant is my husbands favorite, i'm not sure why. sure hoping to win this for him for christmas. i got him the dr. who monopoly last year he is a dr who fanatic: rebecca p.

  69. I LOVE all of the last three doctors, Christopher Eccleson, David Tennant and Matt Smith, sad when every single one of them left. If I had to choose it would probably be David Tennant. Would love to win this so I can watch it over and over and over.

  70. William Hartnell, because he was the first doctor.

  71. David Tennant and Christopher Eccleson

  72. David Tennant, there should be a show only about him

  73. David Tennant. He had the perfect mix of humour and gravitas

  74. My favorite Doctor is Matt Smith I loved his personality and of course his bow tie!

  75. David Tennant is my fave. He was head strong and fun.

  76. Matt smith he is a great actor and funny

  77. Gobeth1: We've watched Dr. Who since it came on American tv in the '80's. David Tennant is my most favorite - what can I say?

    1. Don't know why my screenname come out so weird -

  78. David Tennant is my fav! he was the best doctor!!!

  79. Favorite Doctor? no way, they are all awesome

  80. I watched the original series with my brother growing up but sadly don't have any real memories of it. For the reboot, I started watching because I liked Christopher Eccleston on Heroes, and he was a fantastic doctor. ;-) Matt Smith is by far my favorite, I am sad to see him go.

  81. David Tennant, because by the time his tenure was up, he'd embedded himself in my brain as The Doctor and he'll always be him no matter how much time passes.

  82. Matt Smith probably cause he's fresh in my mind.

  83. David Tennant is the greatest doctor there ever was.

  84. Matt Smith really grew on me. I'd say he's my favorite now.

  85. Out of Classic Who, it was Peter Davidson. He was HOT when I was a kid. ;P My 4 year old daughter and I both like Eccleston but my 2 year old son will only watch Smith. I think my daughter likes Rose most truthfully.

  86. I think I'll have to separate them so Tom Baker is my favorite classic Doctor and Tennant is my favorite modern Doctor. Both of them for their wit.

  87. Matt Smith is my favorite incarnation because I love the focus on loyal friendship.

  88. I don't want to go with over half of the people here, but David Tennant because he's David Tennant man... that guy is amazing<3

  89. David Tennant because he is my cousins fav and this would be for her! She is a huge fan!!!

  90. OMG OMG OMG i want this soooooo bad.

    David Tennant is most definately my favorite with Eccleston being a good second. Eccleston used to be my favorite, because he did a very good job pertraying the batle worn veteran who knows the weight on the world, but still keeps a smile. Tennant is my complete favorite, though because he does all that, as well as allowing himself to LIVE, instead of simply letting his adventurous life make him smile, he allows it to make him laugh...hes not afraid to have fun, and yet bears the weight of Time itself as he goes...

  91. David Tennant-- he's the perfect mix of a funny goofball and a sincere guy that gets things fixed.

  92. Tennant I just loved his acting and he is cute XD

  93. I don't have a favorite character yet because I haven't started watching Doctor Who yet. I am planning on watching it though. And this would be an awesome way for me to get that chance!

  94. David Tennant the best just because

  95. Christopher Eccleston, personally I believe he was the perfect person to start the new WHO and he was my first Doctor. Love the cheekiness and of course love Tennant and Matt Smith as well.

  96. Matt Smith was my first and favorite Doctor!

  97. David Tenant b/c his portrayed the character the best!

  98. Christopher Eccleston! Because he had the sass, the looks, and the most kind eyes I've ever seen!

  99. Matt Smith. he is the perfect balance of comedy and drama

  100. Christopher Eccleston is my favorite. He was my 1st Doctor, and such a loveable, but intense guy

  101. David Tennant was my favorite. It was the first doctor I watched and got hooked on the show

  102. David Tennant ,he is cute and funny.

  103. I'm not really sure which is my favorite, I like them all. But, my kids like David Tennant best!

  104. My daughter is a HUGE David Tennant fan

  105. love David Tennat....he showed a wide variety of emotions including anger and put everyone in their place.

  106. David Tennant! He's just so quirky!

  107. David Tennant is my favorite. He brought an amazing depth to the character and is an excellent actor among a wide range of emotional situations.

  108. Before this "second generation" of Doctors came along, I told anyone my favorite was Jon Pertwee. I just LOVED that head of hair of his, and there were a few other things, and mannerisms about him I liked, but we won't go into that here. But I will have to jump on the bandwagon and say, while I did not dislike any of the new Doctors, my favorite is David Tennant, for reasons far too numerous to mention here!

    Linda Mahoney

  109. 2 more days left :) .. this giveaway and the Big Bang Theory giveaway are two that I am the most excited about .... oh my goodness my fingers are so crossed so super tight!!!!

  110. David Tennant is my favorite! :)

  111. David Tenant! Just loved that Doctor plus he was oh so sexy.

  112. :) my daily check in 1 day and 8 hours left!!

  113. Christopher Eccleston was my favorite! So sassy!

  114. I am entering to win this for my hubby who is the real fan, but I definitely like what I've seen of David Tennant-- he's super cute! ;)

  115. Matt Smith, as much as I loved all the others in different ways I found him the most charming.

  116. David Tenant will always be my doctor--he's so much fun!
