Monday, August 5, 2024

4K Digital Review of Kingdom of The Planet of The Apes


Kingdom of The Planet of The Apes is the fourth movie in the reboot series of Planet of The Apes. This movie takes place hundreds of years after the events of the first three movies. Caesar, who led the apes to freedom, is remembered as the savior of the apes and humans are now struggling to survive. The film opens with a recap of the last three films and sets up the story for this one. We meet a new set of apes with a young ape named Noa (Owen Teague), being the focus. We learn that the apes have separated into different clans and Noa discovers that not all clans are as peaceful as his. One such clan is ruled by Proximus Caesar (Keven Durand), who proceeds to destroy the village that Noa lives in. Noa escapes and is joined by the wise elder Raka (Peter Mason). They travel to attempt to avenge the village and Noa's family when they come across a human they name Nova. They are shocked when they find out Nova speaks and they all find out they are after Proximus. 


As to be expected, the digital 4K image is stunning. The green and browns of the forests are rich, glossy, and shiny. In fact, all of the landscapes here are gorgeous. The blacks are deep and inky. The amazing digital work o the apes here are some of the best work ever done and shines in 4K. 


The Atmos track is is superb as it takes full advantage of all the speakers you have. The audio mix envelops you into the world. Wait until you hear the roar of Proximus Caesar and his followers in the arena. Then, wait until you hear the bass as the large bunker doors open. The sounds of the hooves of the horses as Noa and Nova try to get away from Proximus' soldiers will test your rear channel speakers. Dialogue is crystal clear from the front channels and the score encompasses you. Another solid audio mix from Disney, 

Bonus Features:


      Inside the Forbidden Zone: Making Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Join director Wes Ball, cast and crew as they expand the Planet of the Apes legacy for a new generation. Travel to the outdoor production in Australia, train at Ape School, and discover the practical and motion capture techniques in building a breathtaking Kingdom.


14 Deleted/Extended Scenes with optional audio commentary by director Wes Ball


Kingdom of The Planet of The Apes is a solid entry in the franchise. I cannot wait to see where they are going from here. Stunning video and audio round off this movie. I wish there were more bonus features and an audio commentary. A solid addition to your library.

Kingdom of The Planet of The Apes is now available on digital and home video.

*The movie was provided by Walt Disney Home Entertainment for the purpose of review. The review is entirely my own opinion.*

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